IFS Supervision
Supervision is an opportunity to increase your knowledge and skill in Internal Family Systems and receive support for your work as a therapist.
Supervision is...
Conducted virtually (online) and typically offered to therapists and practitioners with Level 1+ training in IFS
Formatted to fit your needs: Case discussion, sharing resources for further learning, teaching and demonstrating concepts, and support with therapists’ parts work
Able to count towards hours for certification as an IFS therapist
$195/hour for individual supervision
$100/hour for group supervision (currently accepting inquiries for those interested in group supervision)
Please note, I do not provide oversight to limited permit holders and those who may be seeking hours for licensure at this time
"I recently had the opportunity to work with Bridge as a consultant. My parts felt open and welcomed in her presence. Bridge is thoughtful, caring and well-informed. Her work with me made a huge difference in the way I now work with my client. We are making significant progress where before it was much less clear. In addition, Bridge offered professional resources for my specific situation. I highly recommend [working with] Bridge!"
— IFS practitioner